Our manufacturing facility offers greater design and precision manufacturing.
Control Flow Inc. has grown to become four of the most widely respected names in the Petroleum Industry. The manufacturer of quality valves, offshore oil field drilling equipment, wellhead, production pressure control equipment (Preventers) and motion compensation equipment, including pipe handling equipment with products and services second to none. Control Flow, Flocon, Westech, Mo-Comp and Retsco Products. Today, our products can be found in virtually every major drilling area in the world. Our reputation for manufacturing excellence and fast, dependable delivery and service has earned us the respect and loyalty of customers at home and abroad, on land and offshore
Especialized in:
▸ Flow Control and AutomationControl Flow Inc.
Contact Information
Adress :
Calle 56 # 136 Entre 53 y 53 A
Col. Morelos
Ciudad del Carmen
24115 Mexico
Tel. +52 (938) 382 5599
email: grodriguez@controlflow.com
Web Site : www.controlflow.com ✓
Services :
▸ Oil Field Services